184 research outputs found

    Large cycles in random permutations related to the Heisenberg model

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    We study the weighted version of the interchange process where a permutation receives weight θ#cycles\theta^{\#\mathrm{cycles}}. For θ=2\theta=2 this is T\'oth's representation of the quantum Heisenberg ferromagnet on the complete graph. We prove, for θ>1\theta>1, that large cycles appear at `low temperature'.Comment: 11 page

    The free energy in a class of quantum spin systems and interchange processes

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    We study a class of quantum spin systems in the mean-field setting of the complete graph. For spin S=12S=\tfrac12 the model is the Heisenberg ferromagnet, for general spin S12NS\in\tfrac12\mathbb{N} it has a probabilistic representation as a cycle-weighted interchange process. We determine the free energy and the critical temperature (recovering results by T\'oth and by Penrose when S=12S=\tfrac12). The critical temperature is shown to coincide (as a function of SS) with that of the q=2S+1q=2S+1 state classical Potts model, and the phase transition is discontinuous when S1S\geq1.Comment: 22 page

    Infrared bound and mean-field behaviour in the quantum Ising model

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    We prove an infrared bound for the transverse field Ising model. This bound is stronger than the previously known infrared bound for the model, and allows us to investigate mean-field behaviour. As an application we show that the critical exponent γ\gamma for the susceptibility attains its mean-field value γ=1\gamma=1 in dimension at least 4 (positive temperature), respectively 3 (ground state), with logarithmic corrections in the boundary cases.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures, to appear in CM

    The structure of Lactococcus lactis thioredoxin reductase reveals molecular features of photo-oxidative damage

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    The NADPH-dependent homodimeric flavoenzyme thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) provides reducing equivalents to thioredoxin, a key regulator of various cellular redox processes. Crystal structures of photo-inactivated thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) from the Gram-positive bacterium Lactococcus lactis have been determined. These structures reveal novel molecular features that provide further insight into the mechanisms behind the sensitivity of this enzyme toward visible light. We propose that a pocket on the si-face of the isoalloxazine ring accommodates oxygen that reacts with photo-excited FAD generating superoxide and a flavin radical that oxidize the isoalloxazine ring C7α methyl group and a nearby tyrosine residue. This tyrosine and key residues surrounding the oxygen pocket are conserved in enzymes from related bacteria, including pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus. Photo-sensitivity may thus be a widespread feature among bacterial TrxR with the described characteristics, which affords applications in clinical photo-therapy of drug-resistant bacteria

    EU:n 2030 ilmasto- ja energiapaketin vaikutusarvioiden yhteenveto ja vertailu

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    Euroopan komissio on esittänyt EU:n ilmasto- ja energiapolitiikan 2030 tavoitteeksi vähintään 40 %:n vähennystä kasvihuonekaasupäästöissä (KHK-päästöistä) vuoden 1990 tasoon verrattuna. Tavoite on ja-ettu koko EU:n laajuisella päästökauppasektorilla (PKS) toteutettavaan 43 %:n vähennykseen vuoden 2005 tasosta ja jäsenmaittain ns. ei-päästökauppasektorilla (ei-PKS) toteutettavaan 30 %:n vähennykseen vuoden 2005 tasosta. Uusiutuvan energian tavoite on EU-tasolla 27 %, mutta jäsenmaakohtaisia tavoit-teita ei ole määritelty. Energiatehokkuudessa tavoitellaan 27 % parannusta. Maankäyttösektorin (land-use, land-use change and forestry, LULUCF) päästöt ja nielut eivät ole olleet osana EU:n 2020-päästötavoitteita, ja niiden rooli 2030-tavoitteissa on vielä avoin. Tämän julkaisun tavoitteena oli koota, analysoida ja vertailla jäsenmaiden tekemiä vaikutusarvioita EU:n 2030-paketista keskenään ja etenkin komission tekemään vaikutusarvioon. Vertailuun otettiin mu-kaan vain varsinaiset EU:n 2030-paketin vaikutusarviot, joita on julkaissut käytössä olevien lähteiden mukaan yhdeksän jäsenmaata (Alankomaat, Espanja, Irlanti, Italia, Ruotsi, Saksa, Suomi, UK ja Unka-ri). Lisäksi jotkut maat (esim. Belgia, Puola ja Portugali) ovat haastattelujen perusteella tehneet joitain EU:n 2030-paketin vaikutusarvioita, mutta niistä ei ollut saatavilla tarkempaa tietoa. Useammalla jäsen-maalla on kuitenkin esimerkiksi kansallisia 2050 matalahiiliskenaarioita (esim. Belgia, Portugali ja Tanska), mutta niiden oletukset vastaavat komission matalahiilitiekarttaa eikä niitä tulisi suoraan verrata EU:n 2030-paketin vaikutusarvioihin

    Options to Reform the European Union Legislation on GMOs: Scope and Definitions

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    We discuss options to reform the EU genetically modified organisms (GMO) regulatory framework, make risk assessment and decision-making more consistent with scientific principles, and lay the groundwork for international coherence. The first in a three-part series, this article focuses on reform options related to the scope of the legislation and the GMO definition

    The phase transition of the quantum Ising model is sharp

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    An analysis is presented of the phase transition of the quantum Ising model with transverse field on the d-dimensional hypercubic lattice. It is shown that there is a unique sharp transition. The value of the critical point is calculated rigorously in one dimension. The first step is to express the quantum Ising model in terms of a (continuous) classical Ising model in d+1 dimensions. A so-called `random-parity' representation is developed for the latter model, similar to the random-current representation for the classical Ising model on a discrete lattice. Certain differential inequalities are proved. Integration of these inequalities yields the sharpness of the phase transition, and also a number of other facts concerning the critical and near-critical behaviour of the model under study.Comment: Small changes. To appear in the Journal of Statistical Physic

    Der Einfluss der Kapazitätsgröße und -auslastung auf den Kostenverlauf ausgewählter Hilfskostenstellen von Molkereien - Abteilung Dampfversorgung

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    Die Kostenanalyse zur Bestimmung des Einflusses der Kapazitätsgröße und -auslastung auf den Kostenverlauf von Hilfskostenstellen (Hilfsabteilungen) erfolgt mit Hilfe von Modellkalkulationen. Eine spezielle Form der Teilkostenrechnung ermöglicht die Zurechnung der Kosten nach Kostenkategorien (jahresfix, tagesfix, ggf. chargenfix und mengenproportional) auf die entsprechenden Kostenträger (z. B. Kälte, Dampf) der jeweiligen Hilfskostenstelle. Durch computergestützte Simulationen können die Auswirkungen der verschiedenen Kosteneinflußfaktoren im einzelnen quantifiziert werden

    A practical, bioinformatic workflow system for large data sets generated by next-generation sequencing

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    Transcriptomics (at the level of single cells, tissues and/or whole organisms) underpins many fields of biomedical science, from understanding the basic cellular function in model organisms, to the elucidation of the biological events that govern the development and progression of human diseases, and the exploration of the mechanisms of survival, drug-resistance and virulence of pathogens. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are contributing to a massive expansion of transcriptomics in all fields and are reducing the cost, time and performance barriers presented by conventional approaches. However, bioinformatic tools for the analysis of the sequence data sets produced by these technologies can be daunting to researchers with limited or no expertise in bioinformatics. Here, we constructed a semi-automated, bioinformatic workflow system, and critically evaluated it for the analysis and annotation of large-scale sequence data sets generated by NGS. We demonstrated its utility for the exploration of differences in the transcriptomes among various stages and both sexes of an economically important parasitic worm (Oesophagostomum dentatum) as well as the prediction and prioritization of essential molecules (including GTPases, protein kinases and phosphatases) as novel drug target candidates. This workflow system provides a practical tool for the assembly, annotation and analysis of NGS data sets, also to researchers with a limited bioinformatic expertise. The custom-written Perl, Python and Unix shell computer scripts used can be readily modified or adapted to suit many different applications. This system is now utilized routinely for the analysis of data sets from pathogens of major socio-economic importance and can, in principle, be applied to transcriptomics data sets from any organism